What is in my Juice and why. Part 1.

Ultra Classic: Carrot Apple Beet Ginger.

You can’t get much more classic than this. It feels like satin on the tongue. It is sweet, deep, and full bodied, has a touch of roots, acid, and spice. It is blood building, gut health supporting, and energizing. 

Carrots! Super high in pro vitamin A (which the body converts into vitamin A) along with many other vitamins and minerals. Carrot juice can soothe and tone the intestinal walls, strengthen bones, teeth, skin, hair, and nails. Carrot juice tones and cleanses the liver, and can help it release stale bile and excess fat. When we release excess fats, cholesterol can drop. 

Apples! Also high in vitamins and minerals and contains a fair amount of vitamin C. High in pectin, which is a soluble fiber. Soluble fiber remains in the juice (while insoluble fiber does not) and forms a gel in our intestines that absorbs and digests toxins. It also helps to stimulate digestion by way of peristaltic activity which is the wavelike motion of the large intestine that helps it move food through the digestive tract. Juiced apples are actually known as bowel regulators since the pectin and malic acids help to normalize digestion (either way!). These soluble fibers (pectin in particular) are also very important food for our microbiome.

Beets! Powerful blood builders and cleansers. A solid source of B-6, various minerals, and natural sugars. Beet juice also contains a very absorbable form of iron. Beets are high in nitrates, which help improve oxygen uptake and delivery to the muscles. They can boost stamina, assist with inflammation, and support detoxification. They are also high in Vitamin C and phytonutrients, helping support the fight against cancer. 

Ginger! Anti inflammatory and antioxidant, can support indigestion by increasing the time in which it takes the stomach to empty. Ginger is also anti bacterial and anti viral. 

And, just a reminder that juice in general concentrates nutrients. It takes far more produce to make 8 ounces of juice than you would eat in one serving. Cold-pressing ensures the most possible nutrients from the raw food to your mouth. Flash freezing without pasteurization ensures that just about everything that could be in there still is when you get to drink it.

Be Well💚


What is in my Juice and why. Part 2.


New machine and New process